
WAZA JAPANが、お役に立てることは大きく2つあります。1つ目は、素晴らしい技術や素材はあるのに「商品が売れない」「街に賑わいがない」とお悩みのクラフトマン(職人)や企業、地方自治体のブランディング。皆様の技を“WAZA”として生まれ変わらせていきます。2つ目は、そうしたクラフトマンたちの”WAZA”を使って、他とは異なる独自のブランディングを行いたい企業や店舗の力になります。従来のアプローチでは活路が見出せなくなってしまった商品や店舗のRE(リ)ブランディングも得意です。

WAZA JAPAN can help in two major ways: first, by branding craftsmen (artisans), companies, and local governments that have great skills and materials, but are having trouble selling their products or making their towns more lively. The second is for companies and shops that want to use these craftsmen's "WAZA" to create their own branding that is different from others. Secondly, we will help companies and stores that want to use these craftsmen's "WAZA" to create their own branding that is different from others. We are also good at RE-branding products and stores that are no longer viable using conventional approaches.




Whether we are branding a region or a craftsman's technique, or branding a product or a store, we begin by discovering the intrinsic value of that region, technique, product, or store. What are their thoughts, what do they care about, and what kind of future do they hope for? While digging deep and profoundly, we add to that the perspectives and knowledge that we have gained from observing techniques all over Japan and the world, and create the concept that will become the core of the branding.



WAZA JAPANには、様々な分野の第一線で活躍する、多種多様なプロフェッショナルが集まっています。ブランディング・コンセプトをもとに商品開発や店舗づくり、販促支援、ロジスティクス構築など、あらゆるご相談に応えることができます。さらに、新たに生まれ変わったWAZAを活用し、衣食住のライフスタイルの提案や世の中への新しい価値の発信、新しいカルチャーの創造にも力を入れています。日本中、世界中を、ともに驚かせましょう。

WAZA JAPAN is home to a wide variety of professionals who are at the forefront of various fields. We can respond to all kinds of consultations, including product development, store creation, sales promotion support, and logistics construction based on branding concepts. Furthermore, using the newly reborn WAZA, we are also focusing on proposing lifestyles of food, clothing, and shelter, communicating new values to the world, and creating a new culture. Let's surprise all of Japan and the world together.



地方創生や伝統技術のブランディングをお手伝いしていく上で、絶対に避けては通れないのが、担い手の問題です。WAZA JAPANでは、日本中、世界中のWAZAとWAZA、WAZAとニーズを結ぶプラットフォームの構築や、地方自治体や大学などの教育機関との連携を通じて、担い手の雇用や次世代育成に向けた取り組みもサポート。「ものづくりは、人づくり」という考え方のもと、その地域や技の未来を育てる打ち手を一緒に考えていきます。

WAZA JAPAN has established a platform that connects WAZA with WAZA and WAZA with the needs of WAZA throughout Japan and around the world. Through collaboration with local governments, universities, and other educational institutions, WAZA JAPAN will also support efforts to hire workers and foster the next generation. Based on the concept that "manufacturing is human resource development," we will work together to develop ways to nurture the future of the region and its techniques.



厳しく聞こえるかもしれませんが、私たちWAZA JAPANがお役に立てるのは、「本物の技」「本気の人」のブランディングです。「広告で上手に売ってほしい」「お金は出すので、ぜんぶ考えてほしい」といったご依頼には応えられない場合もあります。また、ブランディングはすぐ成果が出るとは限りません。しかも、時代は常に変わり続けています。じっくり膝を突き合わせ、ともに進化し続けることを目標にお付き合いできれば幸いです。

It may sound harsh, but what we at WAZA JAPAN can help you with is the branding of "genuine skills" and "serious people. We may not be able to respond to requests such as "I want you to sell it well through advertising" or "I'll pay for it, but I want you to think of everything. In addition, branding does not always produce immediate results. Moreover, the times are constantly changing. I would be happy to have a relationship with you with the goal of continuing to evolve together.